use magnify option in the grid

Questionsuse magnify option in the grid
Azhar Abdallah asked 9 years ago

Dear Sirs,

Is there any way that we can use a magnify script to enlarge images in the grid. I have checked all your script and did not find a solution. please check this link which will describe what i mean "".

Thank you and best regards.


2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

This exact demo is not ready, instead onclick demo is there.
(works on click)

You can connect other lib instead of fancy box in same manner to have this effect.

Azhar Abdallah answered 9 years ago

Dear Abu Ghufran,

Thank you. I have already use fancy-box, but looking for alternative solution. Hope that you have this function in the near future.

Best regards.

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