Use of jqgrid API (getGridParam and getRowData)

QuestionsUse of jqgrid API (getGridParam and getRowData)
Tukur Dan-ASabe asked 3 years ago

Please help me on how to get the selected grid row data and manipulate it using my custom sql query such as select  and delete (eg. move the data from table1 to table2 using the row id) from database say MYSQL.

Thank and regards


4 Answers
Abu answered 3 years ago

We don’t have any demo ready for this, but this can be done using custom on_update callback function. In that, you can select items using bulk update and in callback function, delete from table1 and insert in table2.

Refer these docs and demos.

Bulk Update demo:

Tukur Dan answered 3 years ago

Thank you Mr Abu, I will try this method.

Tukur Dan answered 3 years ago

Pls how do I associate or assign an id for example below to a particular colunm of the grid not neccesarally the current column?


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Tukur Dan answered 3 years ago

Please how do I associate or assign an id for example below to a particular row/column of the grid not necessarily the current row/column?


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