Using Join statements within G – select_command

QuestionsUsing Join statements within G – select_command
Devon asked 8 years ago

I put together a join statement to sum numbers together in the select_command but when it do a search/edit it comes up with errors. I think i'm going to try to go around this by pushing this an update before the grid starts but was hoping there maybe a fix to this?

My current code sits like this:

$g->select_command = "SELECT * from rmprogram rmp
left join (select rmname,
SUM(tva IS NOT NULL and tva <> '') as tv,
SUM(int2a IS NOT NULL and int2a <> '') as internet,
SUM(pha IS NOT NULL and pha <> '') as phone,
SUM(ph2a IS NOT NULL and ph2a <> '') as phone2,
SUM(sata IS NOT NULL and sata <> '') as satellite,
(SUM(tva IS NOT NULL and tva <> ''))+
SUM(int2a IS NOT NULL and int2a <> '') +
(SUM(pha IS NOT NULL and pha <> ''))+
(SUM(sata IS NOT NULL and sata <> '')) as total
from rmreferral
where rmname != ''
group by rmname)

rmf ON rmp.rmid = rmf.rmname
AND rmp.rmStatus != 'SUB'";

The numbers display fine but you cannot edit or search after that

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

Devon answered 8 years ago

Update: Running an update function before the phpgrid works pretty good.

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