using joins

Questionsusing joins
sandy asked 12 years ago

I can insert, update, delete the rows from grid when i am working with single table. But when i go for multiple tables i am facing problem in updateing and deleting the grid data. By using Mysql join, i am loading data, but i cant insert, update or delete rows.
How to solve this problem?


2 Answers
ramakrishna answered 12 years ago

Here i'm using "fw_activity_master" one table and "fw_application_master" one more table.using inner join and taken "Applicationname " name..

$g->select_command = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT i.ACM_slno, i.AM_slno, i.CM_slno,i.Activityname, i.Formname,i.Status, i.Startdate, i.Enddate, i.Txnuser, i.Txndate,o.Applicationname FROM fw_activity_master i INNER JOIN fw_application_master o ON o.AM_slno = i.AM_slno) o ";

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Basic version allow one table DML operations.
For multiple table or complex business logic, you need to use custom on_update, on_insert, on_delete events, that are part of paid version.

Select sql will work fine with joins. Limitations is with DMLs.


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