Using Multiple Selection with the filter with other fields show 404 File not found

QuestionsUsing Multiple Selection with the filter with other fields show 404 File not found
Rex Wong asked 1 year ago

I have a table with about 5710 records using select-multiple feature. as you can see the URL is appending all the selected value, and it turned out to be very long and even longer than the limitation.

How can I fix it?


When I selected 3 filter and 70 selection on multiple selection field

It is the select-multiple list

Inspection only showed the 404 error

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 year ago


Thanks for reporting this issue. We use $_GET method for search ajax calls inside grid and querystring has limitation on browser / server side.

Ideally it should have used $_POST here but as I can see now, it will need core level changes and testing. Currently, the search filter you are trying is not doable with this version.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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