V 2.1 and PHP 8

QuestionsV 2.1 and PHP 8
Oliver asked 2 years ago

Hi Abu,

version 2.1 seems not to work with PHP 8. All my pages with grids stay white.

Are there any docs for updating from 2.1 to 2.8??



2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


Version 2.1 is quote old version and I cannot confirm if moving to 2.8 will not change anything.

My suggestion is to download the free version (that supports php8) and replace the “lib” folder containing core files and verify if your existing application is working as expected (besides the premium features).

Once you are comfortable, You can then upgrade and upgrade to full version of 2.8 and replace the “lib” folder again from the bought package.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Oliver answered 2 years ago

Thx for this hint but does not work because I make use of extended functions on every page using phpgrid. So I can’t say it my app works with the latest version 8-(.

Any other ideas?

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 2 years ago

Can you please explain what do you mean by extended functions? Please share related code and I’ll review how it can be merged. Attach code here and paste link in question. https://gist.github.com/

Oliver replied 2 years ago

I get one of the following messages. Depending of the page I am calling:
Lookup Dropdown function is not supported in free version. Buy Licensed Version.
Event handler function is not supported in free version. Buy Licensed Version.

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 2 years ago

I’ve emailed you a 15 days evaluation – full version. It should solve your case.

Oliver replied 2 years ago

Hi Abu,
thank you very much for the evaluation build. I can confirm that it works with PHP 8.0.19. All my pages look good now.

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 2 years ago

Ok, I’ve emailed you the process to upgrade your current version.

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