Validation on delete

QuestionsValidation on delete
dani asked 12 years ago

I want to ask, when I want to delete the data, before it was removed I would like the data in check first. If allowed to be removed then it will act to remove, if it will not, show the message that the data can not be deleted. Could you for example?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

It is doable with on_delete() event. You can write your own checks there first and then proceed normal delete operation if allowed.
But one thing is missing, in current example 'custom-events.php' you cannot send your custom message from server to client side.

Give me little time for it. Will be updating it. Feature is server side validation and error messages.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


I'm afraid custom-events.php is not packaged for free now.
To reload from JS code,


Where grid_id is the name you passed in render() function.


dani answered 12 years ago

but i dont have 'custom-events.php'. I'm using free version. How to reload data from script? not from button reload in data grid

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