Vertical scroll is disables when there are no recods

QuestionsVertical scroll is disables when there are no recods
Akhlad asked 10 years ago

When there are no records and the table has a lot of columns the vertical scroll is disables till you add a row first.

it sometimes is required, for example when someone needs just to look at the column names without adding or when you write in the filters something that is not available in the database and all records disappear, what if the column I just filtered is at the end of the table. Here I cannot reach the filter to clear it.

And please don't suggest to reload the grid because that clears all filters which I don't want to do.


2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Add following css styles on your page:

table.ui-jqgrid-btable tr.jqgfirstrow td { border: none; }
table.ui-jqgrid-btable { height: 1px; }


Akhlad answered 10 years ago

Thanks for your rapid response.

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