Want to use phpgrid in a single php page which load two different tables data

QuestionsWant to use phpgrid in a single php page which load two different tables data
Sharif asked 11 years ago

I have a php page with two jquery tab(Release and clients). Now i want to use two different tables data from a database with these two tabs. When i click on the 'Release' tab it load the release table data; and when i click on the 'Clients' tab it load the client table data. I want to load both tables data without refreshing the page. I tried many times but no results. On every suggestion, all are load just one table. But i want to load two table. Anyone have any idea?


Thank you.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Sharif, loading multiple grids on sinlge page is supported in licensed version. For free version, latest build in last stages of release. You can either go for licensed version if your company supports it OR wait for free version update.

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meisam answered 11 years ago

you can use a iframe into your page for loading second grid
at first, create a separate php file( and make second grid in its
then put a iframe in main php file (for example in clients tab)
and set src attribute to new separate file.


Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Appreciated, nice tip maisam.

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