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QuestionsWelcome to Desk.com
Alex Bard asked 12 years ago

Thanks for trying Desk.com. We hope your trial goes well and you decide to use Desk.com to wow your customers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your experience better. In the meantime see the tips below for getting started…

1. GET STARTED – If you haven't read the Getting Started article in our Knowledge Base, check it at http://support.desk.com/faq/article/2266-Getting-Started.

2. BE SMART – Check out the Apply Macro box at the bottom of the screen. Macros let you quickly respond to customers and set case information.

To try it out: Type "f" in the box and you will see options. If you select, 'More info + Pending', you will see the case (left pane) and conversation (right pane) are updated with the orange fields. For information on creating your own macro's, check out http://support.desk.com/faq/article/1380.

3. BE QUICK – To increase efficiency, the update buttons on the bottom right save changes to the case and customer information in the left pane of the screen and sends any communication you have in the right pane. To make it easy, there are three update buttons for the common actions you may take.

4. BE FAST – Have lots of the same request? Respond from the case list screen. Select one or more cases by clicking in the row and use the Bulk Manage feature at the bottom. Now that's efficient.

Have fun, explore, and make sure to contact us @ [email protected] if you have questions, problems, suggestions, or just want to talk.

Desk.com CEO

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