What is the difference between phpgrid.com and phpgrid.org?

QuestionsWhat is the difference between phpgrid.com and phpgrid.org?
Joost asked 11 years ago

Can someone explain what the difference is between phpgrid.com and phpgrid.org?

They look the same but appearantly are not. At least different site with no connection.

And next question off course: which one to choose?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

What features/support in what price vendor is providing really matters.
And we at phpgrid.org have published competitors page to ease decision of visitors.

Competition & Us

We're open and helping customers decide correct product they want to buy.

Dennis denHollander answered 11 years ago

They are two competing companies offering similar products.

My suggestion — go with phpgrid.org.

The pricing and support is absolutely unbeatable. You will never get this anywhere else. I've used it for a number of years now.

Massimo Gagliardi answered 11 years ago

I too suggest to choose phpgrid.org because the pricing is very small but especially the support is excellent

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