when export grid data it shows database values how i resolve this problem

Questionswhen export grid data it shows database values how i resolve this problem
krishna asked 7 years ago

issue image

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
pcattani answered 2 years ago

I think I am having the same problem.  That link is no longer valid, Abu.  Can you reproduce the information here?


I have a table which has the column name ‘class’ which can contain one of two values ‘user’ or ‘admin’.


All my users but one are a ‘user’, but when I export, they all have class ‘admin’.  The admin has a blank class.


My column is defined like this:


$class_vals = ‘user:user;admin:admin’;

$col = array();
$col[“title”] = “Class”; // caption of column, can use HTML tags too
$col[“name”] = “class”; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
$col[“width”] = “50”; // width on grid
$col[“hidden”] = false;
$col[“editable”] = true;
$col[“edittype”] = “select”;
$col[“formatter”] = “select”;
//$col[“formoptions”] = array(“elmsuffix”=>'<font color=red> *</font>’);
$col[“editoptions”] = array(“value” => $class_vals, “separator” => “:”, “delimiter” => “;”);

Mike answered 2 years ago

Check-out the Demos Section \demos\appearance\dropdown.php

I think the broken link is to the old support site. If you use the search you should be able to find the referenced information – but it’s quite old, a lot of updates have happened and I think this issue was fixed, depending how old your version is.

This is the current link for that old support article I found by searching:

Exporting Grid with Dropdowns only displays values



pcatt answered 2 years ago

Strange… I have a very new version (this year!).

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 2 years ago

Please share your complete code for review and regenerate the case.
You can directly email me at my email address.

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