Where Clause

QuestionsWhere Clause
Bruce asked 3 years ago

So I’m trying to do something really basic with an SQL command but it needs a WHERE clause in it. The reason is because a previous page with a grid on it is sending this page a value for an ID. So this is sort of the example:

$g->select_command = “SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE myid=$myid”;

No matter what I do, the $myid value is ignored. I’m figuring the WHERE clause is being knocked out and I’m getting an error or no records. I know the value is getting there, and if I replace the $myid with a value like “1” it works which is even more strange. Any thoughts or suggestions since these are $_POST variables being pushed to the page.

5 Answers
Abu answered 3 years ago


You can refer this faq:


We are in Asia/pk, if you still have issues, I will be updating back in working hours.

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 3 years ago

Please let me know if you need further help.

Bruce Rick answered 2 years ago

I’m having the exact same problem, and getting no where. I’ve created the $_SESSION variable and then the $pid variable as suggested here. I just keep getting the same error. I wondering if I’m calling the $_SESSION variable in the wrong location or something similar, it’s just making no sense.

<script src=”https://gist.github.com/bruceits/91e50f1fb3340c6ca41c62142cab88bf.js”></script&gt;

View post on imgur.com

Bruce Rick answered 2 years ago

This is the location of the source, looks like my last post screwed up:


Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


Try changing line 16-19 with:

// get the oemid from the Post
$oemid = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'oemid', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if (!empty($oemid)) $_SESSION['oemid'] = $oemid;

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Bruce Rick answered 2 years ago


This worked. You are awesome. I thought I had done this 10 times over but this makes sense.

Thanks Again,


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