I work with phpgrid loading data from an array
Is it possible to change the width of a column once already loaded data and created the phpgrid object?
3 Answers
Given that list1 is grid id, and invdate is column name, you can use following code on some button click event.
$('#list1').setColProp('invdate',{width: 70});
This is from jqgrid api available here: http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php
The code is:
$out = $g-> render ("agendacitas");
The function I created to expand the width of the line is:
ampliar_agenda function () {
$ ('# agendacitas') setColProp ('10_11', {width: 100}).;
where "10_11" is the title of the column
but does not work
Did any limitations with ANY PROPERTY?
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