I'm trying to embed a grid inside a page on WordPress. I am using the Insert PHP plugin to put an include_only('phpgridtest.php'); which loads the PHP for the grid that I'm trying to display. I have the premium paid version if that makes a difference.
I don't see any errors popping and when I view source, I see that data has definitely has been pulled but I don't see any thing. I added an extra echo right after the echo $out to test if I have some coding issues but whatever I echoed shows up on the page.
Is there something special that I need to make this run within WordPress?
I tested insert php, short exec php and other similar plugins, but to use in wordpress, you need to use plugin.
The grid is loaded in 2 calls to server.
First creates structure and second loads json data. The first call is pretty simple and can work with including the file. The second call should response only json data and no html which is only achieved by using wp_ajax_* hooks.
I'd recommend to check this plugin: https://github.com/EkAndreas/phpgrid and modify the code as per your requirement.