Wrong Totla count

QuestionsWrong Totla count
Srinivas asked 12 years ago

My query is like:
select * from(
(select * from a where condition)
(select * from b where condition)
(select * from c where condition)
(select * from z where condition)
) as o.
Assume there are 5 records from the out come of above query, it is displaying 5 records correctly, but the total count at list1_pager_right is more than 5.

help me solve the problem

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Well, i cannot say exactly unless you send exact mysql dump and sql statement to regenerate case. You can email me at [email protected].

One quick tip, avoid using 'o' as alias, and it may be internally used by grid too.

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