Yet another noob Getting Started Question

QuestionsYet another noob Getting Started Question
Lindsay asked 10 years ago

Your product looks great. I just purchased a enterprise license but I am having difficulty getting started

Installation was easy, no problems, I can run all the examples.

Ive read and re-read the documentation, but I cannot relate the examples to code in the demo files, for example:
-In the docs on: "Defining Columns of Grid", what file or what part of the file does this code sniplet go? Index.php?
-I loaded the example below into a hello.php and it does not generate any errors, but renders a blank page.


// we are assuming that database connection are already set

// include and create object
$g = new jqgrid();

// set few params
$grid["caption"] = "Sample Grid";

// set database table for CRUD operations
$g->table = "clients";

// render grid and get html/js output
$out = $g->render("list1");

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago
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