You need to enable php extension 'postgres' first.

QuestionsYou need to enable php extension 'postgres' first.
Steve asked 3 years ago

Hello? Abu,

Please help me to resolve this problem. “You need to enable php extension ‘postgres’ first.”


I had changed php.ini as the below


But it still works wrong with message “You need to enable php extension ‘postgres’ first.”

Thank you in advance

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

Please verify postgres connection on an independent php file (without using datagrid) and try fetching some data as well. You can search google how to setup php with postgres.

Once your connection on test php file works, You can use same configuration in datagrid’s config.php

OR you can share that working php code with me and I’ll suggest the datagrid configuration.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Steve answered 3 years ago

I resolved this problem by installing PHP again with WAPP.  pgsql.dll had a problem.

But I have another problem.

$out = $g->render(“list1”);

From this line, It doesn’t work.  I do echo every line. after that line, there is no echo.

I don’t know how to fix it.

Please help me.


Steve answered 3 years ago

It is php_pdo.dll problem.  But  I can’t resolve it.

  1. Download new php_pdo.dll.
  2. install to windows but an error occurred.  Can’t find it even though I copy/paste it to the system32 folder.
  3. Can’t register it. And the Error message is that it is not right for the win32 application.
  4. There are many undefined  errors after that like undefined array key “HTTP_HOST” in jqgrid_dist.php ~

There are a lot of changes with the version of PHP.  Many things seem not to work properly.  And it becomes complicity.


Would you help me to resolve this problem?


Thank you in advance.

Best Regards


Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

I don’t get answer of previous question. Can you please confirm if php + postgres is working in a php code that is not using datagrid library?

If you have php+postgres working on your server (with connection tested with a plain php code), You can share that code and I’ll update back related datagrid settings.

If you want help in setting php+postgres environment, Please refer stackoverflow or related websites as we only provide support for datagrid related queries.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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