Global Search feature


We recently added global search feature in PHP Grid Framework that allows to search your term in all searchable fields of grid. It will save time and quickly filter your data.

Since v2.5+, you can enable this feature by setting:

$g = new jqgrid();
$opt["globalsearch"] = true;

Active license customers can request upgrade using this link.
To purchase license, you can visit this link.

Happy Coding …

TreeGrid – Hierarchical Data Display


We’ve updated a demo that support displaying parent-child relational data in form of tree grid. It is done by simple configuration on PHP Grid Framework where you define the parent and child fields of same table. For example in following example, EmployeeId is ID field and ReportsTo is Parent Relation field that makes this tree grid. This framework already support variety of database connections e.g. SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Postgres, Mysql etc so you can have this Tree-grid in all supported databases.

Database Table:

Tree Grid Sample:

Next Actions:

Licensed customers can request free upgrade using update link.
To purchase license, you can visit this link.

Use Sparklines to show trends on Datagrid

We’ve added support for visual representation of data using Sparklines in PHP Grid Framework. Sparklines charts can be used to show trends in a series of values, such as seasonal increases or decreases, website traffic, economic cycles, or to highlight maximum and minimum values. 

Now you can have Line, Bar, Composite (Both line/bar), Pie, Discrete, Bullet, Won-Lost, Color Map and Box Sparklines along with your other information. Few of them are shown in demo screenshot:

Licensed customers can request free upgrade using update link.
To purchase license, you can visit this link.

Import from Excel, Google Sheet, CSV to PHP Grid

Importing from ExcelWe’ve released ‘Import Data’ feature that will help customers who need to migrate from Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets or CSV File to their own web based solution using PHP Grid Framework.

– Import your external CSV file data in PHP Grid Framework.
– Migrating from Excel or Google Sheets to PHP Grid Framework.
– Selection to map imported data columns on database fields.
– Allow to Append OR Replace existing PHP Grid data.

Screencast below:

For How-tos, usage and technical details, refer updated documentation.

Existing customers can request update from this link.
To purchase license, you can visit this link.

Responsive PHP Grid (enhanced)

After a long delay, we have enhanced responsive feature of PHP Grid, which support some really useful intrinsic features:

– Your custom column display selection based on screen size
– Auto-hiding of columns (from end) based on screen size
– Column display choice on runtime
– Better mobile transposed display of View, Add and Edit dialog forms

Screencast #1

Screencast #2

For How-tos, usage and technical details, refer updated documentation.

Active license customers can request free upgrade using this link.

Laravel v5.0 Integration

NOTE: For more complete version, Visit Laravel 5.5 Integration Guide.

Following is the guide to integrate PHP Grid Framework with Laravel 5.


Step1: Folder placements in Laravel.

There are 2 main folders in PHP Grid Framework package archive. You need to:

Copy the contents of lib/inc folder —> Laravel/app/Classes/phpgrid
Copy the contents of lib/js folder —> Laravel/js/phpgrid


The ‘app/Classes’ folder does not exist by default in laravel. You may create it for 3rd party class libraries.
Create another folder inside it with name ‘phpgrid’ and move all contents of ‘lib/inc’ in it. Final result will look like this:


In similar way, copy the files from lib/js to laravel/public/js/phpgrid. Final result should look like following:


Step2: Setting Controller code.

Here we included our library and rest code looks same as in our demos. Note the ‘\’ before class name while instantiating object. Finally we passed the output of render() function to view with a variable name ‘phpgrid_output’.

For demo purpose, we modified ‘laravel/app/Http/Controllers/WelcomeController.php’


Step2: Setting View code.

In view code, we included the JS/CSS files from the ‘js’ folder which we copied in step1.1
And using blade template variable output, we pushed the grid output in our desired place in html.
For demo purpose, we modified ‘laravel/resources/views/welcome.blade.php’


Note: PHP Grid Framework does not utilize ORM model layer of Laravel. It uses it’s own backend libraries.

Result: Get Set – Go!


Download all files to kick-start Laravel 5 with PHP Grid Framework.

Note: Demo comes with non-commercial / evaluation version of php grid framework. You can buy commercial usage license from this link.